Daniel Allison, Scottish storyteller and writer, shares a story called ‘The Makers of Dreams’ in his book, Scottish Myths and Legends.1 In this story, when a young woman is separated from her companions and becomes lost in a dangerous fog, a herd of deer leads her safely to a place of mystery and of learning sacred craft.
I immediately related to this heroine for the way she was so engrossed in her task that she lost track of everything around her, and for her experience of being sheltered and isolated for a time in order to learn and grow into hidden gifts.2
I have an essay coming in the next newsletter about following the deer. It is something very close to my heart, and I can’t wait to share it with you. (Yes, I avoided puns here ;). Today, however, I’m keeping it short, with a deer-inspired flash fiction and an offering of free and on-sale books.
I hope April treats you well, my friends.
There are three of them, each more handsome than the last. They charm my father. He tells me I have three days to seal my future.
I set them three tasks. They all win, because they are all the same beneath their finery and promises: eager to claim the prize.
Weary, I find the cottage at the third day’s dawn. She asks me if I am sure. I am.
One charm for strength, one for agility, one for transformation. I shed my gown and others’ expectations. I run deeper into the forest on four legs, leaving my old life behind.
©Stephanie Ascough
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He tells this story on an episode of Fair Folk, a podcast I highly recommend if European folklore and traditions are of interest to you.
I’ve experienced this sheltering and isolation in both positive and negative ways. Maybe you have, too. Here, I’m focusing on this as a positive experience. These are often still difficult, but always lead to greater connection with oneself, other people, and the world.
What a beautiful piece of short fiction Stephanie! And Daniel Allison is certainly a master at telling the old Scottish tales.
What a fascinating legend!!! I haven't heard that one before. Your flash fiction was so evocative and fairy tale esque, calling up the beauty and the simplicity of old tales and the lessons they teach.